Many thanks to everyone who brought in a Christmas Shoebox. A huge number of 101 shoeboxes were collected today and are already on their way to their worthy recipients.
Best of Luck Kilshannig!!
We wish Kilshannig the best of luck this coming Sunday as they play St James of West Cork in the county final. We hope to see ye next week with the cup!!
Another visit this week
Another Cup visit
Well done boys
Boys Sciath na Scol Football team
Third Class Blitz
WOW – Walk on Wednesdays
Today we started a new initiative in Dromahane N.S. As part of achieving our 5th Green Flag we are working on the theme Transport. Every Wednesday we are now going to walk to school on the “walking bus”. We start at the entrance to Newberry Estate and people can join us on the way to school. Today was a great success and we tahnk all the parents who helped supervise the children and our Green Schools Co-Ordinator, Ellen Murphy, for coming along to give a hand.
School closures for 2019-2020
Please find a copy of the school closures for the year 2019-2020 below. They can also be seen on the calendar on the home page.