Happy New Year!!

The end of another year already!!! Thanks to the whole school community for their continued support throughout 2016. We hope you all had a happy and peaceful Christmas and we wish you all the best for 2017!!

Bliain Nua Fé Mhaise a chairde.



Christmas Shoe Box Appeal!

Our annual Christmas shoe box appeal took place recently with a very successful response. Over 140 boxes full of gifts and goodies were donated.  Thanks to Kathleen Cronin who coordinated the appeal and thanks to everyone who donated. These boxes will really mean a lot to those lucky enough to receive them.

Donated boxes ready to go!!

Green Flag

On Friday the 18th of November, we held the official raising of our third Green Flag for energy. Councillor John Paul O’Shea did the honours of raising the flag and pupils from 5th Class spoke about the work undertaken to achieve the flag and also the work that will commence to achieve the next flag for water conservation.  Well done to Mr. Verling and the pupils of 5th class for their excellent work and efforts in achieving the flag.

The pupils of 5th class performing at the official raising of the green flag.


Science Week!!

Science week took place in the school from the 13th to the 20th of November. Each class was involved in a variety of investigations and classroom activities. Here are some pictures from the week;

6th Class; Discover enemies of the ice hand

5th Class investigate 3d shapes with 2nd Class

4th class investigate different materials

3rd Class make butter and investigate balloon pressure

2nd Class; Skittles experiment and investigation of how ships float

1st Class discover that a flame needs oxygen to burn and test food

Maths Week 2016

Maths week 2016 was a very successful week in our school!! We completed maths trails and maths games. We made human 2D shapes and found different types of  lines, angles and patterns around the school grounds. We also created maths equations to describe ourselves!!!  Our school also completed the Mangahigh maths challenge. This involved playing a variety of maths games from different strands of the curriculum.  We got an incredible combined total of 4791 points. Well done to all the participants!!!! It was a very enjoyable week!!!


6th Class ‘Maths About Me’



2nd Class completing a Maths Trail




3rd Class playing Maths Games




3rd and 4th Class Football Blitz

On Wednesday the 28th of September, the boys and girls of 3rd and 4th class travelled to Killavullen to take part in a football blitz. Each of the teams played 3 matches and gave a great performance in all. It was a very well run event and a thoroughly enjoyable day for everyone. Well done boys and girls!!

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